Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Great Gatsby Essays (1085 words) - The Great Gatsby,

The Great Gatsby Psychological evaluation Patient: Nick Carraway Session: 1 Time: 5:00 Wednesday Toady a new patient came in named Nick Carraway. Carraway is a struggling bond salesman that just moved next to that big place on the island, Gatsbys place. He seems to like his new home, but he often talks about how the homesickness he feels is relating back to his fathers conduct. Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my father snobbishly suggested and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth(Fitzgerald 6). It kind of struck me how Carraways attitude could be shaped by a simple code of conduct. He began to talk about how this person eluded some moral standards. I wanted to no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart . Only Gastby, was exempt from my reaction(6). He said that he gave this a reason because Gatsby was, basically, everything Carraway hoped to be. I thought a while before I gave my reply. I explained to him that li fe was about how rich a man was in experience, not how much material he has. He kind of shrugged it off like it was a cheap psychiatrist line. The more he told me about Gastby, it seemed the more he felt he needed to emulate him. He then began to talk of a Mr. Tom Buchannan. Tom was not to Carraways liking. He seemed harsh and too masculine to have any relation in Nicks life. Nick is simple, innocent, and he is just starting out. From what he has told me about him, Tom seems to be a bigot of sorts, not to fond of Nicks existence in this side of town at all. How does tom fit in to all this, I asked myself. Tom is Daisys husband; Daisy is Nicks cousin. Kind of confusing, eh? Carraway started to finish up the session with a story of how he and Tom took a trip to Manhattan. On the way they stopped at Wilsons Gas Station to meet Toms girl. I was shocked by this finding. Nick carried a new burden upon his shoulders. Should he tell Daisy about they affair? I told him not to worry and to wa it until next week. Session: 2 Time: 5:00 Wednesday (a week later) The session began usually how all others do. Some preliminary banter settled the mood; however, Carraway quickly rose to the point that had been troubling him. The same point that ended the conversation last week. What can I do? He asked. I mean do I tell Daisy or not. Its kind of importanther well being I mean. If tom isnt happy she should know, right? I cant tell you what to do, I retorted however I can help you with options. He sat there with a blank face. What I mean is this, I began again maybe you dont have to tell Daisy. It is not your job to get into their affairs, but family is family. Please continue about Toms girl. Shes Wilsons wife, correct? Yes, he answered. She is in her middle thirties. And faintly stout, but she carries her surplus flesh sensuously as some women can(29). Continue, I asked him. Her name is Myrtle. Thats really about it. Well maybe you could help Tom realize what he is doing. He is supposed to love Daisy. From what you told me Tom is the kind of person that will do the good if good is called for. Will he? he answered. He broke Myrtles nose that afternoon. I asked Carraway about his relationship with Gastby. He told me it really hadnt changed. Parties become more and more frequent. Session: 3 Time: See above time (two weeks later) Nick seemed more troubled than before. He had told he that the man that held his hopes and his dreams in the palm of his hand let him down. Gatsby, that man, was a bootlegger. A lot of people have been bootleggers. Im not justifying the behavior Im just saying it was the thing to do, I told him People say One time he killed a man(65). He explained to me that Gatsby is an Oxford man. Nick

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