Tuesday, November 5, 2019

American Government Journal Topics

American Government Journal Topics Journal topics can be another method  for students to learn about American Government. The following topics can be used in Civics and American Government courses: Democracy to me means†¦An alien has just landed. Explain to that alien the purpose of government.Identify a need in your school that you believe should be addressed. Write in your journal what changes you believe should be made as if you were presenting this to your principal.Describe what you believe life would be like in a dictatorship.What questions would you specifically like to ask the President of the United States?Taxes in this country are†¦If I could add an amendment to the constitution it would be†¦Capital punishment is†¦Which is more important to your daily life: local government, state government, or federal government? Explain in our journal why you answered as you did.The state of _____ (fill in your state) is unique because†¦I consider myself (republican, democrat, independent) because†¦Republicans are†¦Democrats are†¦If you could step back in time, what questions would you ask the founding fathers?Which Founding Father or Foundin g Mother would you most like to meet? Why?What three words would you use to describe America? Explain how you plan to participate in government as you grow older.Public opinion polls are†¦Imagine that the school board has decided to eliminate your favorite program from school. For example, they might have decided to do away with art classes, band, track and field, etc. What could you do to protest this move?A president should be†¦

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